Bluecoat License Limit Exceeded

Contents Consumption Limit Is Exceeded

I keep getting the 'Client License Limit Exceeded' alarm on Computer #1. Even when Computer #1 takes over all of Computer #2 I/O points - it is still. Anyone know what happens when you reach the license limit. The license count has been exceeded. Top of your license count, ASAIK once you hit your limit. I got a 'license limit exceeded' message when trying to download a Kindle book that I had previously purchased. What do I do? Bluecoat Reporter System Requirements Alternative: You have configured the ProxySG to begin streaming access log data to the Reporter server, the Data Settings >Log Source page might already display it in the Unassigned Log Mary Ave. 3a Route des Arsenaux Sunnyvale, CA Fribourg, Switzerland Document Number: Document Revision: Reporter 9.4.x 11/2012 ii 3 Contents Chapter 1: Preface/Task List About This Document.5 Document Conventions.5 The Blue Coat Download page displays.

It just shows like [CM101006] Lisense Limit: Number of simultaneous calls. And there are some other logs like Active calls counted toward license limit:[10278.] One more fact that I got found on the system is this. Under the Ports/Truncs Status, there are some yello colored status icons like 'Dialing' which is not being used anymore. So I tried to 'disconnect call' by pushing the button, but it give me an error message like 'An exception occurred Extstatus Error'. I guess the problem of license limt would be resolved by disconnecting the yellow-colored unused call. Can someone let me know how to disconnect the calls?

Download Super Mario Bros Yoyo Games. If you unplug (power down) the sets in question and then power back up, they should re-register. They should then show as idle. You may need to re-check the log, at intervals,to see what is happening to cause 3CX to believe that the extensions are in an active state.

I'm assuming that these sets can't make or receive calls when they are in this state? Have you re-booted the PC running 3CX? It could have a memory problem caused by the system running for an extended period (months) with no restart, depending on your operating system.

Unless there is some sort of software corruption.if you were to re-boot the PC to restart 3CX and then power up each set in question. You should see a log showing the sets registering AND, then,any activity that would indicate why 3CX thinks that the set is on an active call. If a number of sets are showing that they are active when they shouldn't be then just concentrate on one of them, just leave the others powered down. What you want to discover is if there is an action being taken by the set itself, or if it is just happening with no log whatsoever. If that is the case then my first suspicion (and I may be wrong) would be some sort of corruption, because that isn't normal behavior. Can you send me a screenshot of the Yellow components (the ones that are still showing a call) Do you have a PSTN gateway by any chance? When I am thinking is that the disconnect tone was not recognized properly by the PSTN gateway (assuming you have one) and therefore it remains connected at Gateway level.

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