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The cephalosporanic antibiotic or cephalosporins are the most commonly prescribed antimicrobials in the medical practice, due to of their broad antibacterial spectrum, good efficacy and high safety profile. The objective of the present paper consisted in to offer a general view of the main characteristics of cephalosporanic antibiotic, as well as to update on the new drugs used in the clinical and the future research of new compounds. As a conclusion the authors can assert that recently there has emerged a new generation of extended-spectrum cephalosporanic antibiotics against multiresistant Gram positive bacteria called fifth-generation cephalosporins whose main representatives are ceftobiprole medocaril and ceftaroline fosamil. Moreover, the search for new cephalosporins in accordance with the strategy for obtaining narrow-spectrum antibiotics against specific pathogens or specific groups of bacteria is also a field of great interest in order to minimize the appearance of new types of resistant strains. The cephalosporanic antibiotics had evolved from generation to generation in connection with the advance of new mechanisms of bacterial resistance that have been emerging. At the beginning, was based on ingeniousness and empirical structural changes by medicinal chemists. However, in this new century, the theoretical chemical studies of structure-activity cephalosporanic antibiotics and its site of action, have gained importance.

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