Dw Performance Series Serial Numbers

Pearl Drums

Shop for the DW Performance Series 5-Piece Shell Pack in. The Performance Series combine advanced grain. Authorization Number. Shipping charges to DW will. Game Tetris Untuk Hp Nokia X2 there.

Hi there, I would like to contribute with a little more accurate information on the DW WORKSHOP SERIES. I just bought a new shell pack from this line, and because I couldn’t find any information on, I tried searching for them on google. I found some information that basically described this series as a line that came before Pacific or PDP around the year 2000 and 2002, and that they came in three different lacquer finishes with oval lugs (just like the Pacific line) and had a different badge that said DRUM WORKSHOP.

It was said that they stopped making them because they were so good that it was affecting the Collector series in terms of sales, and so it was later decided to make the Pacific line instead of Workshop. Like I started saying, I just bought a NEW Workshop Series, and they came with regular round DW lugs in Broken Glass finish. I thought this was really weird, I have the same lugs, the same finish, the same shells and the same DW heads as the Collectors series, the only difference between them is the badge, and on top of that there is no official information of this line anywhere (let me add that I bought this shell pack from a DW endorsed artist, and he bought it directly from DW a couple of months back). I emailed DW with a couple of questions regarding all of this, and this was their response: Hey there Jose, Yes you do have the Workshop Series. We did these up until last year. They are really good drums.

The difference between the Workshop Series and the Collectors Series is that the Workshop Series are made as stock kit sizes and colors. You cannot choose custom sizes or colors. Just what we offer in the series. As for Collectors Series, they are completely custom. You get to choose every detail on your drums from the color hardware to color finish and pick your sizes. That is what makes them very expensive. Folder Marker Pro 4 Keygen - And Software. As for the Serial numbers, we do not have record of those in our system.

Those are for you incase you want to insure your drums. I hope this was helpful. Best regards, Mark Chavez Customer Service Representative Drum Workshop Inc. Tevion Scanner Treiber Windows 7. I had a very fast reply to my email witch was very nice from them. I asked them another question, but this time regarding the shells, I wanted to know if the shells used on the WORKSHOP SERIES where the same as the COLLECTORS SERIES. I this was I got from them: Yes, we use the same maple as in the Collectors Series drums.

As mentioned before, they were recently discontinued being why they are not mention on our website. Workshop Series are the same as Collectors Series with the same hardware and bearing edges, they are just made in Ensenada, Mexico and were made in an assembly line with all the same sizes and colors.

Not like the Collectors Series being completely custom. That is what makes the Workshop Series a little more price convenient. Feel free to get back to me with anymore questions you may have.

Mark Chavez Customer Service Representative Drum Workshop Inc. Hope this helps. What i gather from all this is that the PDP drums are made on an assembly line, while DW drums are custom hand made.

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