Game Of Thrones Robb Stark Grey Wind


Although their stint on the popular Game of Thrones is now over, the direwolves Summer and Grey Wind have become internet celebrities. Grey Wind was the direwolf of Robb Stark. He had smokey grey fur and yellow eyes. Grey Wind, a severely fierce Direwolf of grey fur and yellow eyes, bonded to Robb Stark. The Direwolf was found an orphaned pup near his dead mother by Jon Snow and Robb Stark, along with his litter mates Ghost, Nymeria, Shaggydog, Lady, and Summer.

Game Of Thrones Robb Stark Grey Wind

Grey Wind, adopted by Robb Stark was discovered along with his litter mates by Robb and Jon Snow after their mother had been killed by a stag. Like the other Stark direwolves, Grey Wind formed a special bond with his master. Like Robb, Grey Wind grew bold and faithful. Robb named him Grey Wind due to his fast speed when running. During Tyrion Lannister’s return to Winterfell, Rickon arrived with the direwolves, Summer, Grey Wind and Shaggydog in tow.

When they caught the scent of the Tyrion, all three direwolves moved in to corner him and Tyrion was only saved when the Starks called off their wolves. He followed Robb around Winterfell and sat at his feet when he held court. When Greatjon Umber menaced Robb during an audience, Grey Wind bit several of the lord’s fingers off, helping Robb gain the respect of Umber and other Stark bannermen. City Car Driving Bugatti Mod. During the War of the Five Kings, Grey Wind followed Robb into battle and added significantly to Robb’s fearsome reputation. (Warning: major spoilers from the books following) Just before the Red Wedding, Grey Wind sensed the Freys’ impending betrayal. He growled at Lothar Frey and Walder Rivers upon Robb’s arrival at the Twins. Catelyn urged Robb to trust Grey Wind’s instincts, but Robb had him tethered in the stables during the wedding.

While the butchery of the Stark forces took place, Frey men killed Grey Wind. His head was sewn onto Robb’s corpse as a final insult to the Starks.

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