Installing Knowledgetree


On this page • • • • • • KnowledgeTree Document Management System On Ubuntu 7.10 Server This guide will walk you through installing the KnowledgeTree Document Management System on Ubuntu 7.10 Server. This guide does not include any pictures. I just felt with this type of install, that they were not warranted. Please note that this installation is performed on a base install of Ubuntu 7.10. Since the KnowledgeTree stack installer contains its own versions of Apache and MySQL, it will cause problems on an existing LAMP server. With that warning out of the way, let's begin. After you have installed Ubuntu 7.10 Server (remember - a base installation; do not install Apache or MySQL), we need to perform a few steps to get the system ready. Statistical Methods For The Social Sciences Agresti.

Feb 06, 2014 Installing KnowledgeTree >Installing KnowledgeTree Community Edition – Stack Install This procedure installs KnowledgeTree Community Edition on your Windows / Linux computer, using the KnowledgeTree Community Edition Stack Installer for Windows / Linux. This guide will walk you through installing the KnowledgeTree Document Management System on Ubuntu 7.10 Server. This guide does not include any pict. ./ If the install script errors out, try installing whatever package it complains about by hand. It's usually a version conflict and there's more than one package available. If given the choice between versions 5.2 and 5.3, go with 5.2. This article describes how to add the KnowledgeTree for Salesforce Visualforce page to any object layouts. Start by logging into Salesforce and going to 'Setup'.

Installing Knowledgetree

Edit sources.list In this step, I will edit out the CD-ROM from the sources.list configuration. You do not have to perform this step, I just don't like using the CD for software installations. Sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list The section that we are looking for will read: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/ gutsy main restricted Add a '#' in front of that line so that it reads: # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/ gutsy main restricted Press 'Ctrl o' to write out the changes and 'Ctrl x' to exit nano. With that done, you need to update sources.list. This can be done by typing: sudo apt-get update After the update has finished, you will want to ensure that you have the most recent updates for your server. Run the following command to perform the upgrade: sudo apt-get upgrade Finally, you can install openssh-server, so that the rest of the installation can be performed remotely.

Sudo apt-get install openssh-server The rest of this tutorial can be performed remotely using an SSH client, such as In order to use the email functionality with KnowledgeTree, you will want to install an SMTP server. For this guide, I will use Sendmail. Sudo apt-get install sendmail When prompted, type 'y' to install Sendmail and its dependencies. There should be a total of nine packages installed, including: liblockfile1 m4 make procmail sendmail sendmail-base sendmail-bin sendmail-cf sensible-mda Obtaining And Installing KnowledgeTree You are now ready to get the KnowledgeTree installer. I like to work out of the tmp directory for installations such as this. To get there, enter the following command: cd /tmp/ Use the following command to get the KnowledgeTree installer. At the time of writing this article, the most recent version stood at 3.4.6.

Sudo wget Before the installation can begin, you need to change the permissions on the installer to allow it to run. Run the following command: sudo chmod +x ktdms-oss-3.4.6-linux-installer.bin With that done, it is time to begin installing KnowledgeTree. To do this, run: sudo./ktdms-oss-3.4.6-linux-installer.bin The following text is how the installation process will play out. You will be prompted during the installation enter information pertinent to your environment.

These entries are in red text. Do you accept this license? [y/n]: Enter y and press enter Please specify the directory where KnowledgeTree Document Management System OSS will be installed Installation directory [/opt/ktdms]: Enter for default ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MySQL Root Password Initial password for the DMS root user account created during the MySQL database installation. Password: Enter a password of your choosing Re-enter: Re-enter the same password ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MySQL User Password Initial password for the DMS user account created during the MySQL database installation. Password: Enter a password of your choosing Re-enter: Re-enter the same password ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB Port Please enter the port for your MySQL database.

MySQL database Port [3306]: Enter for default ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WebServer Port Please enter the port that Apache will listen to by default. Apache Web Server Port [8080]: Enter for default ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSL Support Do you wish to install SSL support? Install SSL support [y/n]: This is a personal choice, but since this setup is for home use, I will enter 'n', so that SSL is not enabled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help us make KnowledgeTree a better product Please help us improve KnowledgeTree by telling us a bit about yourself.We will use this information to more effectively tailor KnowledgeTree for your industry,organization size,and,if you agree,to notify you of news about KnowledgeTree and its family of products. [1] Yes, I want to register with KnowledgeTree [2] No, I prefer to skip registration Please choose an option [1]: Again, this is a personal choice.

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