Micro Focus - Net Express 5.0 (university Edition)


After much talk about OO COBOL, as it were, I finally decided I would spend a bit of money to try it out. I bought Micro Focus Net Express 5.0 'University Edition'. Technically, I got 'Net Express 5.0 University Edition and Visual Studio* Software and Book Shipment Non-Student'. This includes: Micro Focus Net Express 5.0 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 the book 'COBOL and.NET, second edition' Total cost: $194.00 All in all not too bad, I guess. Especially considering that buying just Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition directly from Microsoft costs $299! Not sure how MF swung that deal.:-) Anyway, I've only had it a few days and I'm fairly happy. Documentation could be better.

Micro Focus Net Express

The first few days I've been working with VS and the.NET environment, because I was already familiar with it from using Visual C# Express Edition and Visual C++ Express Edition. Haven't come upon any real issues there that I can think of at the moment. I am now looking just at the Net Express IDE, etc. Pretty blah IDE compared to VS. I just tried the example 'pclass.app' in the ISO2002 examples directory. I've found two errors so far! One, the source file 'Student.cbl' was not included in the app project.

Two, the 'finalize' method of the String class in 'String.cbl' has a syntax error. It has exit program When it should have exit method. After fixing those two things I got it to compile.

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Haven't even run it yet. Sonic Collection Pc Iso there. But it sure makes me leery of their quality control process! Download Ron Korb Flute Traveller Rar.

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