Microsoft Sql Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761 Update


I'm hoping this is relatively straightforward. I'm getting ready to install SQL Server 2008 on a production server.

Microsoft Sql Server Desktop Edition

Download SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4. UPDATE: Microsoft has found an issue with the final build of SP4 that. SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine. A History Of Lean From Manufacturing To Software Development. But even if you've streamlined your code and minded your p's and q's everywhere else, making a bad choice when it comes to your host can still put you in the slow lane.

Here's the short Q: Can it co-exist with an already installed vesion of MS SQL Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761 (MSDE) and a seperate instance of SQL Server 2000? The whole story if you are interested: We are running Blackbaud's accounting server and they quit supporting SQL Server 2000 soon. I've read that you can install SQL Server 2008 side by side with SQL 2000, then using blackbaud's tools, backup your db, dismount your database from the SQL 2000 server, then remount it to the 2008. That way you can go back to to your old 2000 setup if anything goes wrong. I've tested this on a test server I set up. But in looking at the production server again, I see that MSDE 8.00.761 is also installed - used by some other small DB program. I know that sqlserver 2005 express can't co-exist with sql server 2008.

Does anybody know if that is true for this version of MSDE? Thanks I've read that you can install a new version SQL Server 2008 on the same server with SQL Server 2000. The advantage here is.

Microsoft Sql Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761 Update
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