Player Skin Gta Vice City Pc

Player Skin Gta Vice City

Vice City Skin Changer Description Allows the player to switch skins in the game GTA Vice City (PC Version). Version History 1/11/2013 - v1.0.0.0 Released.

28 rows The GTA Place brings you the latest Grand Theft Auto news. >Downloads » GTA Vice City » Skins & Player Models. Name Rating Downloads Author. Apr 04, 2010 pc only if you want to download one player model mod tell me ill send u the link.

1/28/2013 - v1.0.1.0 Added addtional keybinding scripts and text files. See Note Below. Package Contents VCSC ReadMe.txt - This file.

VCSC VCSC.txt - Source for the Vice City Skin Changer Script for the 72 Playable Skins. VCSC VCSCSS.txt - Source for the Vice City Skin Changer Script for the 72 Playable Skins and 5 Special Skins. 77 Skins Total. VCSC VCSC1.jpg - Demo Pic. VCSC VCSC2.jpg - Demo Pic. VCSC VCSC3.jpg - Demo Pic.

VCSC VCSC4.jpg - Demo Pic. VCSC VCSC5.jpg - Demo Pic. VCSC CLEO - The Vice City Skin Changer Script for the 72 Playable Skins. VCSC CLEO - The Vice City Skin Changer Script for the 72 Playable Skins and 5 Special Skins. 77 Skins Total.

VCSC CLEO_TEXT VCSC.fxt - The GXT text file for the skin names and other information. System Requirements GTA Vice City PC Version. Cleo v1.1.1.6 for GTAVC.

(May work with, but not tested with previous versions) Usage Install the script (one only) and the fxt file. Press 'S' to rotate through available skins. Installation 1.

Place either VCSC.cs OR VCSCSS.cs, NOT BOTH!, in your Vice City CLEO folder. will cycle through 72 standard playable skins. will cycle through all 72 standard playable skins and 5 special skins. If you wish to use the special skins you MUST load 5 txd/dff playable pairs to the MODELS GTA3.img file and name each pair as SSKINA, SSKINB, SSKINC, SSKIND, and SSKINE(ie.

SSKINA.txd and SSKINA.dff), using a tool such as Txd Workshop. If the txd/dff pairs (skins) are not added or correct, the VCSCSS script will fail at number 73 (right after the Aqua Dress Girl), and the game will have to be terminated forceably. Place the VCSC.fxt file in the CLEO_TEXT folder. This files string values can be edited to whatever you wish (for example the Special Skins names), but DO NOT change the Keys (VCSC0 - VCSC77).

Run the game. NOTE Addtional Keybindings Scripts and Text Files Released: If you need a different keybinding, instead of 'S', use either the *_X files for the 'X' key OR (VCSC_X.cs OR VCSCSS_X.cs AND VCSC_X.fxt) *_1 files for the '1' key OR (VCSC_1.cs OR VCSCSS_1.cs AND VCSC_1.fxt) Known Issues 1. After changing to a skin, if you go into a clothes icon and switch to the new skin (clean clothes) then try to switch skins again, the game freezes. I have found that entering and exiting a vehicle after changing skins or before changing clothes via the icon prevents this issue.

If you save a game with a selected skin, it will save fine and the skin selection is also saved in the save file. This is good. But, sometimes, if you go to load and load the saved game without restarting (quit and relaunch) the game hangs. I have found that entering and exiting a vehicle before trying to load helps to prevent this issue. The script(s) is set to load 3 seconds after a saved game loads. This works fine for me. You may need to change this if you system is slower. Dell D630 Audio Drivers For Xp.

Also, DO NOT have the script active when starting a New Game. It will hang the game.

Save first instead, then set the script to be active, then load the saved game. I believe this is because of the time it takes for the intro scene to run. If you save with a Special Skin loaded and then remove the Special Skin from the GTA3.img file, the saved game will not load. To fix, just restore the skin to the GTA3 file (any playable skin with the correct name will work).

- GTA Guy Comments.

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