Transdermal Vitamin B12 Patch


Hvac Installation Procedures Handbook Pdf. Sql Tool Belt Bundle Incl Keygen Generator. Texas Transdermals’ vitamin and. Transdermal patch. As Niacinamide, Vitamin B6 – 5mg – as Pyridoxine HCI, Folic Acid – 250 micrograms, Vitamin B12. HealthFlex a Wellness Company - Transdermal Vitamin Patches - Health Flex is dedicated to helping people achieve optimal health,Physical therapy, fitness, using. Sep 11, 2014 In 2006 a patent was issued for transdermal patch after studies demonstrated B-12 methylcobalamin levels in blood serum doubled after 8 hours of.

Transdermal Vitamin B12 PatchProducts

B-12 Transdermal Patches are Superior & Easier to use than Daily Pills, Sublinguals or Shots! What Is A Html File Extension. If you are like most people who suffer from low levels of vitamin B12 you either get your B12 from a prescribed shot, sublingualy administer drops under your tongue or taking daily vitamins that may not be absorbed properly through the digestive system. A B12 patch is so easy to use, you just shower and before applying any cream or topical substance apply your B12 transdermal patch and forget about it.

Health professionals agree that transdermal patches are a superior delivery system ESPECIALLY for vitamin B12 because the vitamin is readily absorbed into the system and by-passes the digestive system where absorption problems may occur. Our B12 transdermal patches are not painful like a shot You don’t have to remember to always take your vitamins You don’t have to taste the sublingual formula or remember not to swallow Transdermal literally means through the skin. When you apply a vitamin B12 transdermal patch to your skin that nutritional supplement goes directly into your bloodstream through the skin this important nutrient is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream for immediate use and availability by your body. After the stomach goes through the digestive process the intrinsic factor, a compound secreted in the stomach, delivers b12 to the small intestines where it is absorbed into the bloodstream, into your cells and throughout your body. If you lack the intrinsic factor that bonds to the B12 then very little if any B12 is absorbed.

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