Ap Bio Lab Manual Lab 2


General Overview Equipment and Supply Modifications Question: 'Are kits the way to go with this lab?' Answer 1: 'I used the Edvoteck enzyme lab this year and had a lot of trouble with it. The directions were pretty bad. I called the company with some questions and they could not answer them. It seems that the person in the company that designed the lab left several years ago and no one there could give me any sample data.

Ap Bio Lab Manual Answers

Investigation 2 MatHeMatiCaL MoDeLing: HaRDY-WeinBeRg*. From the AP Biology Lab Manual. Teachers can do for this laboratory investigation is to. AP Biology Lab Manual 2013 - The College Board. 2 AP Biology Lab Manual for Teachers — Supplement Ideas for Introducing Inquiry Interesting modifications to this lab can open it up to inquiry.

I ended up spending a lot of time rewriting that lab so that students could follow directions.' — Sande Ivey, Bangor Area Senior High School, Bangor, Pennsylvania. 8/20/99 Answer 2: 'The Carolina lab kits are great, but I had trouble with the desiccated catalase enzyme. Probably my fault, but I couldn't get any activity out of it. I went back to my favorite source—beef liver—and it worked fine.' — Jo Ann Burman, Andress High School, El Paso, Texas. 7/13/00 Answer 3: 'I found the same trouble with the catalase from Carolina.

It was very weak when I purchased some a few years ago. I find that liver produces excellent results—follow the directions for preparation in the teachers' guide to the lab, make it fresh, and keep it on ice—even at the kids work stations.

Pain Peter Egoscue Pdf. In fact, you will probably have to dilute it from the recommendations in the lab book in order to get usable results.' — Bruce Faitsch, Guilford High School, Guilford, Connecticut.

7/18/00 Question: 'Is there any reason why frozen beef liver wouldn't work just as well as fresh liver for the enzyme lab? I have been to four different area grocery stores and everyone is out of fresh liver.' Answer 1: 'I have always had better luck using fresh beef liver as a source of catalase, rather than the stuff from Sigma. For some reason, the dehydrated catalase that I had from Sigma was inactive. Easy Html5 Video Serial. Raw potato also works.'

— Jo Ann Burman, Andress High School, El Paso, Texas. 8/20/99 Answer 2: 'I often found stores have small containers of unfrozen chicken livers; they work well and there is little waste.' — Fred Brown, William Hall High School, West Hartford, Connecticut. El Ilustre Amor Mujica Lainez Pdf. 8/31/00 Pre-Lab Preparation Question: 'Could you please post directions for preparing the catalase from the yeast?' Answer: 'I just dissolve some yeast in distilled water. I then mix 1 mL of the yeast extract with 20 mL of H2O2 in a 125 mL flask and measure the pressure change using Biogas Pressure Sensor interfaced to a TI-83 (or 83+) with a CBL. I measure the pressure change for three minutes, but I select out the first 15 seconds of data and determine the slope and use that as a rate change—a rate change that could be compared under different conditions.

As far as the amount of yeast used. That varies with the age of the yeast on the grocery shelf, so I try different concentrations each time I make it. I dilute it until I get a change of about 200 mmHg over the three minutes. This can be compared at different temperatures and substrate concentrations.'

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