Discord Times 2 Game


Discord Times is a medieval themed strategy/Role Playing game. Discord Times is an exciting medieval role-playing strategy game. As you'd expect, the situation is dire: feudal lords within the Ramen Kingdom are fighting over.

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Discord Times Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips Discord Times Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Browse by PC Games Title: Hints and Tips for: Discord Times Cheats Discord Times Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: jacob richman Best army and weapons: ---------------------- These may be the best army: 1. Mounted Knights(2) w/ Crown(can be found at 'War at Ramen Kingdom: Capital on Fire' at the bottom right), Crusader's armor, Knight's token, Knight's sword. Enchantress w/ Warlock's ring, Mage staff, Token of Mage,armour. Guardsman w/ Sword of Caution, Crusader's armour, Hero's helmet, Pavis sheild. Archmage (same as #2) 5. Bishop w/ Warlock's ring, Bishop's staff, armour.

Witch (same as #2). Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Need some money the easy way? Always accept hunters gifts instead of money tributes (in the citys). If you need to pay 0 to units its only quest needed soldiers. You first want to go find city and get allot of cash befor increasing the payment thingy. Dont use priest spells.gold is more usable.

Just buy all armor and weapons if you got money for it (all soldiers and monks things can wear it (armor) 5. Dont buy spells.

Attack all enemys you encounter. Ccapture all the castles you find. Buy monks that can attack form backslots. Equip all the items you find or sell if ALL wearers wear it. Hints, Tips and Tricks: ----------------------- 1. Always check on your castles. If an evil group of bandits has overtaken your castle, you won't get the income from it.

The game auto saves every 12 (game time hours) or right before a battle. So, if you lose you can pick up the auto save and try again. Too contradict #9 on dennyboy's list, do not always equip items. Some items can actually decrease your HPs, innitiatives, etc. So, be sure to check your characters statistics before equiping an item.

I think the game makes you aware in the toutorial, but the cities restock their cash at 23 hours. If you right click on the city, it will let you know if the taxes have already been collected so you don't have to waste valuable time walking there. Backslot Army: -------------- Submitted by: jacob These are the stages/tree of a person in the backslots. 1) laysister:nun, sorsorece 2) nun:enchantress, saint woman 3) sorsorece:witch 4) pilgrim:monk, witch-doctor 5) monk:battle monk, priest 6) witch-doctor:wizard 7) wizard:archmage 8) battle monk:church wardner 9) church wardner:inquisitor 10)priest:bishop 11)hunter:marksman 12)marksman:sharpshooter, bowman, assassin 13)bowman:chausser(is the spelling right?) 14)crossbowman:x 15)bombardier:cannoeer.

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Game Description Keen on complex and captivating stories? Download and play Discord Times to enjoy a splendid exciting medieval role-playing strategy game. Take part in a bloody battle against traitors! Welcome to the picturesque world of Ramen Kingdom! Here you will meet brave knights and mighty magicians! The prosperity of the kingdom has ended up with feudal skirmishes and wars unleashed. Now the royal treasury is drained, and the encounters break up more and more often. Aprouter Crack on this page.

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