Download Aircraft Towing Procedures Manual

Aircraft Towing Procedures

MOVEMENT OF AIRCRAFTGeneral. Movement of large aircraft on an airport and about the flight line and. In the case of small aircraft, most moving is. Cara Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Pdf. B777 Normal Procedures. Flight Crew Operation Manual Bulletin (PIA-51) for Un-commanded Autothrottle. Pushback or Towing Procedure. MOVEMENT OF AIRCRAFTGeneral. Movement of large aircraft on an airport and about the flight line and. In the case of small aircraft, most moving is.

S3C12 - GROUND HANDLING AND FUELLING OPERATIONS Table of Contents Annexes A. WARNING - AAP 7001.059 TAREG VERSION WARNING The procedures in AAP7001.059-TAREG support compliance with AAP7001.053-Technical Airworthiness Regulations, which have been superseded. Procedures supporting compliance with AAP8000.011-Defence Aviation Safety Regulations are contained in An organisation’s exposition details which 059 version is applicable INTRODUCTION 1.This chapter identifies the general precautions and actions to minimise the safety risk to both aircraft and personnel when ground handling aircraft, other than taxiing. It includes the precautions and actions required when operating Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and vehicles around aircraft. It details additional precautions to be taken in particular environments, including aircraft arrival and departure. GROUND HANDLING OF AIRCRAFT 2.The ground handling of aircraft is only to be undertaken by appropriately qualified personnel forming a correctly structured ground handling team.

The ground handling operation is to be conducted in accordance with standard procedures with consideration given to local environmental conditions. The ground handling supervisor, and in some cases the responsible aircrew member, is responsible for the safe conduct of a ground handling operation. AIRCRAFT TOWING OPERATIONS 3.Aircraft towing operations must be conducted by trained and authorised personnel. An aircraft towing team must consist of: • a towing supervisor • an aircraft brake person, if appropriate • a tow vehicle driver • a steering arm operator if a steering arm is used • chock persons, as required • safety personnel, as required • other personnel, as required.

Aircraft Towing Precautions 4.The towing supervisor is to ensure that the team members are to be briefed on the intended activity and adhere to the following precautions: • All personnel are to be familiar with the danger zones for the aircraft type being moved. • The towing supervisor is not to undertake any other ground handling task. • The towing supervisor is to be positioned to have a clear all round view of the towing team, intended route, and as far as practicable the aircraft. • Effective communications are to exist between all members of the towing team at all times. Towing supervisors may use a blast type whistle to compliment their verbal commands. • All personnel not involved in the movement are to reman clear of the aircraft and its intended path.

• The towing supervisor, through the brake person, is to ensure the braking system if applicable is serviceable and there is sufficient brake pressure for the move. When conducting movements on aircraft with unserviceable brake systems, chock persons must be used. • All ground locks are to be fitted securely and ladders/panels secured, unless specifically authorised. • Towing equipment is to be serviceable and correctly fitted.

Big Range Hunting 3. • Personnel are not permitted on external surfaces of aircraft during the move. • The aircraft should be towed at a pace appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions. Tight turns should be avoided.

• Checks are to be carried out at all stages of the move for overhead clearance. Towing at Night or in Poor Visibility 5.The following additional precautions are to be followed at night or in poor visibility: • Maximum permissible lighting, including floodlighting, aircraft navigation lights and tow vehicle lights must be used.

• The supervisor and safety personnel are to be appropriately dressed, including high visibility vest or similar, where appropriate, and use light wands to clearly indicate orders and safe clearances. • The supervisor is to consider the use of additional safety personnel if hazards are expected on the route. • Towing is to be conducted at a pace appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions. Towing in Strong Winds 6.Additional precautions are to be taken to ensure the safety of the aircraft and personnel. Precautions should also be taken to secure GSE and other loose items in the vicinity of the aircraft. Towing on Air Capable Ships 7.The movement of rotary wing aircraft on air capable ships is to be carried out in accordance with ABR 5419— Ship/Helicopter Operations Manual.

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