New Adobe Captivate 6 Templates 2017 - Reviews

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Pou Pc Utorrent For Mac. When Captivate 8 was released, it included the ability to create eLearning that was responsively designed, meaning it could be customized for different mobile resolutions. It included three views (or breakpoints) and all the features needed to customize each view to your heart’s desire. Using a very smart waterfall approach, objects you placed on the desktop would cascade down to the mobile views, automatically being adjusted by percentage.

The all-new Captivate 2017 release is out! (aka Captivate 10) Here are the direct download links for the free trials. Independent Reviews of Adobe Tools; Top. Adobe Stock Images, templates and. The 'Save As Responsive' option in Adobe Captivate 2017 just made this job seem like a. Adobe Captivate Help. Adobe Captivate 2017, the new version of Captivate 9, released with tons of new features and enhancements for responsive eLearning content or mobile learning.

However, you could override built-in automated features a number of ways. In short, Adobe did not take for granted that it knew better than you what you wanted to include in your different views. The few other authoring tools at the time that also boasted responsive design features were much more templated and formatted, with little room for customization.

In Captivate 9, Adobe increased the number of views to five so that all contingencies were covered: desktop, tablet landscape, tablet portrait, mobile phone landscape, and mobile phone portrait. No other authoring tool contains as many features as Captivate does to customize the different views. 3ds Max 2013 64 Bit Keygen on this page.

The others may be a bit simpler, but they lack some of the power. Some still don’t offer responsive design at all. Now with fluid boxes! Now Adobe Captivate 2017 Edition has been released, and once again Adobe has forged ahead and not rested on its laurels. It has brought Captivate even further into modern times by providing fluid boxes, an industry standard that has become popular with web developers. The difference is, of course, that Captivate has included it in a way that makes it easy enough to use without needing to know a lick of programming. While you can still use breakpoints in your mobile learning, fluid boxes make the job easier.

Fluid boxes are a new option on the Captivate toolbar. See Figure 1. Choosing Horizontal or Vertical then gives you an option to choose how many. Figure 2 shows choosing four horizontal boxes. Figure 1: The new toolbar option, Fluid Box Figure 2: Choosing horizontal boxes The results are four boxes side by side (horizontally placed) on the stage, evenly spaced, as you can see in Figure 3. Figure 3: Four horizontally placed objects You can change the spacing of the boxes and further subdivide any fluid boxes.

You can then place content in each box. See Figure 4. When shown in different resolutions, the stage then readjusts the fluid boxes in ways that you can control. You can even make some of the boxes and content optional, meaning when there is little room, those are expendable. Figure 4: A desktop view of the stage with fluid boxes Figure 5 shows the same stage squeezed down to a resolution of 320 pixels wide, as you might see on many mobile phones.

Figure 5: The same stage as in Figure 4, shown 320 pixels wide, as on some mobile phones Text Expander Notice also in Figure 5 the icon at the bottom of one of the text areas: This automatically appears whenever resizing the browser causes the text to be cut off. Clicking it gives you a translucent text box so that learners can read the text fully. See Figure 6. I think that’s a pretty sweet option. Figure 6: The translucent text box, which will scroll if necessary In-Source Preview In Captivate 2017, you can see your stage at different resolutions without going through the Preview option. In Figure 7, you can see directly at the top that you have a slider you can move along a drop-down list of standard resolutions by popular devices and the desktop. You can also add your own resolutions and name them.

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