Air Core Inductor Design Program

Air Core Inductor Design CalculatorIron Core Inductor

Gapped Inductor Design Example Using the Core Geometry, Kg. Flexibility in the design of high frequency power inductors, because the air gap can be adjusted to. Learn how to wind your own Inductor using thick copper wire for a low resistance coil.

Mtm Eco Drive Software. A changing current in the primary winding creates an alternating magnetic field in the core. The core multiplies this field and couples most of the flux through the secondary windings. This in turn induces alternating voltage (electromotive force, or emf) in each of the secondary coil according to Faraday's law. Power transformer in SMPS is used to change amplitude of high-frequency pulses by the turns ratio and to provide isolation between circuits. Note that a transformer can't transfer a DC component of a pulse: in a steady state mode net volt-seconds across any winding should be zero, otherwise the core will soon saturate. DC output voltage can be obtained only by using rectifiers.

Nevertheless, an average voltage across a real coil's terminals can be non-zero due to non-zero wire resistance. This DC offset can be used for lossless sensing of an average current across an inductor or a transformer winding with unidirectional current: if you add an RC network parallel to the coil, the voltage across the capacitor will be proportional to the coil's average current. For better thermal stability the wire can be made of low TCR material, such as a copper alloy. MAGNETICS DESIGNING normally involves trade-offs between size, cost and power losses. The main constraint in all cases (except for saturable inductors) is that peak magnetic flux density B MAX should not approach the core material's saturation flux value B SAT.

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