Esr Patcher Ps1

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Still confused, runing ps1 games on ps2. Ok, so after trying all day, and wasting about 10 dvds. Took the resulting iso and used ESR disc patcher on it. Download NTSC2PAL and ESR Disc Patcher • Playstation 2 Homebrew @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource.

Esr Gui Tool

I have quite a few games to patch using ESR & load using FMCB w/ ESR for my kids that are cd and i use dvdscanlite37. My question is does anyone know how to apply the ESR patch to files that i unrar and then use iso buster to extract the files to a folder and then use dvdscanlite37,and after that you see i use magicISO to create a data or udf.ISO from those ps2 cd files to patch with ESR. Only when i try to patch the using ESR says 'No UDF discriptor' Please note this does not happen if i burn those same files using Nero dvd-rom udf/iso option and then create a. Microsoft Windows Server 2011 Sbs Essentials (small Business Ser on this page. iso using imgburn from that dvd and only then does ESR patch work and then i toss that dvd-r and burn another one and it works.

Please note if i extract a ps2 dvd game from the rar files i can patch using ESR with burning twice and wasting a dvd-r. So i am guessing the the dvd-r that magicISO is creating does not make using the same settings like the same way nero does.

Can i ask if someone knows a fix for this? Sorry to say that i was a fool for not mentioning this is the issue i have encountered when taking a already burned cd version of the game, i have not yet tried to extract the files for a cd version and the get it ready for ESR although when i do i will try just as you have said. As for now, i take the already burned ps2 game cd version and use imgburn to read the cd to HDD creating a bin or iso then i use isobuster and drag the files to a folder ready for patching for dvd-rom setting with dvdscanlite37 i cannot use ESR( it had the 'No UDF discriptor' error) so now i burn a created dvd-r and then making another image from that ps2 game now dvd version drag the files to a new folder and finally ESR patches successfully and finally burn again. So i am burning the game twice in order to bypass the 'No UDF discriptor' error. EDIT: one this one tutorial you made titled PS2 CD _ DVD.pdf i dont see where you use ESR before burning the game. I will look in the other link you provided.

Oh yes the second link is a rather long process to create a dummy file and things like that i suppose that is what Ahead Rom is doing in creating a dvd udf/iso compilation, if not i wonder why ERS has that could not find blah blah error. Oh one more thing on the tutorial it stated at step five 5 - Create a dummy file, this is necessary, your image must have at least 1.4GB in size or the game will not boot with or without ESR. If you are using ESR and do not use the dummy, ESR will stop at a white screen.

Well i never created a dummy file and they game works burning a disc twice so i am guessing that the dummy file is why ESR is not working when making a iso with magicISO, magicISO does not create a correct dummy file? Besides when i did these games the old (waste a dvd disc i see no dummy file on the disc that was created using Ahead ROm the first time. My original reply ----------- your post says: Just follow this tutorial - link or this one here - link - just a silly question although i have to ask since i am a which one is easier the first on e or the second. =D oh i forgot to mention i was doing Metal arms: glitch in the system dvd-rip and wondered if your tutorial works with dvd-rips, thank you -oh realize all i have to do is repair the files with dvdscan first before patching =D. Oh one more thing on the tutorial it stated at step five 5 - Create a dummy file, this is necessary, your image must have at least 1.4GB in size or the game will not boot with or without ESR. If you are using ESR and do not use the dummy, ESR will stop at a white screen.

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